Thursday, August 30, 2012

Medium Rare by Kevin Michael

Kevin Michael, the author, tells his story about his adventures in retail food, and hotel places. You won't believe what happens behind the scenes of such businesses. Or, maybe you would.

This short story will give you a sneak peek on what happens in the kitchen of restaurants, and what workers might be thinking when you run up a large bill, but forget to tip any of your help.

I only wish this short, fifty-six page story was a bit longer since Kevin Michael has so much to say about such interesting jobs that he has endured.

I give this book

Willow by Julia Hoban

Willow by Julia Hoban

"It's hard to keep a secret when it's written all over your body..."

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What is the book about? 

It was seven months ago that Willow lost both her parents to a horrible car accident. She couldn't feel more guilty about that day, since she was the one behind the wheel. Her parents had to much to drink, and she only had a drivers permit. Now she lives with her much older brother and his family. 

The only way she can deal with the memory of her parents dying, and the guilt of being the one behind the wheel, she cuts herself. Willow confides this monumental secret in a classmate named Guy. He won't give up on her, and sticks by her side to support her.

What did I think of the book? 

Cutting is a seriously emotional problem for some people. The people that aren't cutters, cannot understand what is so appealing about mutilating one's body. Julia Hoban really opens you up to the cutting world, and gives you an idea of what might be going on in a cutter's mind. Hoban does not glorify cutting or make it sound appealing, but simply shares what it feels like to have pain inside of you that can only be released with a blade.

I give this book

Times of Trial by Cliff Ball

Times of Trial by Cliff Ball

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Times of Trial: an End Times novel (Book 2)

What is the book about? 

An Arizona church that takes care of all it's members is is dying out. The second family who is in charge at the church has decided to head to Wyoming to escape the persecution of Christians.

What did I think of the book? 

I've never really thought about the idea of Christians being persecuted for their beliefs, and this book shows how scary it would be if it actually happened. Christians aren't usually the ones that you would imagine being persecuted since they are so overwhelming in population, but it's been done before to other religions so I suppose it's not all that unfathomable.

I give this book

Staying Human by Kyle Tobin

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Staying Human

What is the book about?
Jack, at five hundred years of age, is experiencing black-outs and amnesia and during these times horrific things happen. He must retrace his steps to figure out who he is and what he is doing during these black-outs and how he can stop them from happening in the future. As he remembers the blank spots from his past, he isn't quite happy with what he finds out.

He does have some help after meeting Sarah and her daughter, Leni who he immediately has a connection with. Jack deeply cares for them, and uses his love for them as motivation to survive and keep the world a better place.

What did I think of the book?
Jack is a huge mystery, even to himself, it was great figuring out who he is along with him.
The biggest thing that bothered me about this book was it's spelling and grammar. Although, this is the author's first book, and he is only twenty years old, so I'll give him a break on that. He can definitely write, but just needs some direction and a good editor.
I give this book

Black Deeper than Death (Miki Radicci book 1) by M.E. Purfield

Miki Radicci Book #1

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A Black Deeper Than Death

What is the book about?

Miki is a sixteen year old artist who has made it famous. Not only is she talented as an artist, she is also a psychic who can feel people's emotional and physical pain.

It's when she accidentally feels the murder of a NYU student, who has an interesting job on the side. Now she draws attention to herself and now the killer if after her! She must hunt down this killer in order to stop the threats on her and her family.

What did I think of the book? 

Miki is in search of answers and she will get them even if it means lying with false ID's and alias's. She is clearly a character that can take care of herself since she's basically been on her own for so long, a curse to having con-artists for parents. She's still a kid though, passing out drunk on the street because no one is there for her as a parent, she finds herself in quite a few sticky situations. 

I found myself quite frustrated while reading this book since it seemed like Miki was making all the wrong decisions. She really needs parents or some guidance in her life. She made life way harder than it had to be, in order to save herself from the killer, without the help from detectives. That's either one really brave or really stupid girl.
I give this book

•Book•Review• Revived by Cat Patrick

Revived by Cat Patrick

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Daisy is part of a top secret government run program that brings people from the dead, with a drug called, Revive. Daisy herself has had Revive used on her 5 times, and after each time she must relocate with her government issued parents, Mason and Cassie.

They are now relocating to Omaha Nebraska. At her new school, Audrey is the first person she meets, and they instantly hit it off like best friends. Audrey has a super hot brother that Daisy immediately sets her eyes on.

 "I've got a best friend and a boyfriend, and it's fine by me that they've got the same last name" Chapter 23 page 191

Daisy finds out that her best friend has hidden a secret that could change how they plan the future. Can Daisy find a way to get Revive to someone who needs to live? Will it be worth the cost?

Not everyone you believe to be trustworthy, actually is.
This book has a great premise, a drug that can bring you back from the dead. With a drug that is so powerful, it could change society forever. If anyone found out about such a drug, there would be chaos in the streets. Of course, such a program has a villan that wants to expand his research and take it much further then it ever should get.

Does it count as murder if you bring them back from death? 
I give this book
Check out Cat Patrick's books!

The Goodwill Grimoire by Abramelin Keldor

What is the book about? 

This is the first book in the Lynch, P.I. detective series, where a young teenager turns up dead after a fight involving some hard-core Twilight enthusiasts. There is something strange about the autopsy, it shows that the dead teenager's organs died a whole week prior to when the rest of him died. With such an unusual case, they bring in a specialist, Nick Lynch Private Investigator. He's the perfect man for this job, since he's a eight hundred year old Mage who lives off the life forces given off from others. 

What did I think of the book? 

This book does not fit into just one genere since it covers mystery, thriller, and paranormal. 

Nick is a very interesting character who seems quite a bit cocky and arrogant as he goes around showing off his knowledge of different languages and the people he has met in his eight hundred years here on earth. 

No matter what the outcome is on Nick's decisions, he acts as if he is calm and put together, as if any negative outcome was intentional. 

I did think it was quite humorous that he makes fun of Twilight fans who wear goth makeup and GLITTER. They aren't the true vampires, and because of how obvious the vampire fans are, it makes it that much easier to pick out who is a fraud. 

Overall, it was an ok book with quite a bit of parts that made me chuckle and laugh. 

I give this book

Quest for Peace by Amrik Singh Binapal

What is the book about?

A book of poems that express the authors feelings about life, love and spirituality. This book will give you everything from the authors specific instructions on life survival, your relationship with God, and the key to happiness.

What did I think of the book?

I found that some of the poems have the sound and flow as many of the prayers I was taught growing up. I thought they were beautifully written. The style is completely unique and quite remarkable. It's like no other poetry book out there. By reading these poems you can clearly see the author is very spiritual and has a great relationship with God. He really opens up and expresses a lot of inner feelings all throughout his poems.

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