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In the beginning of the book, Calvin has lost his dog, Hobbes, in his home to a house fire. Fortunately Calvin and the baby were not in the home, but he still mourns for his best friend. They mysterious part of this whole thing is that the police were not the ones to contact him to inform him of his house being burned. A man whose voice he hadn't recognized, called him from a blocked number, in the middle of the night informing him of the tragedy and suddenly without warning, hung up.
The mystery remains, how the fire was started, and the fire marshall is looking into the problem to give Calvin the answers he is looking for. From the sounds of it, it seems they suspect the fire was started on purpose. But by who? The marshall thinks this is a very unusual fire that cannot be explained for many of the signs that were left behind after the fire as put out.
Follow along with Calvin as his life goes into a downward spiral with mystery's behind each one. Calvin is a serious character with some intense problems that I was immediately sucked into. You'll learn about his fears and hopes in life and how he deals with every obstacle.
I thought this book was very well written, it kept me on the edge of my seat as I was trying to guess the mystery to the fire along with the characters. I even at one point suspected the fire inspector. Was it him? I cannot say, you must read to find out for yourself.
I would definitely categorize this book as a suspense or mystery. You are constantly guessing if Calvin has lost his mind, and is just completely paranoid. Maybe, it's a dream. It's amazingly written and I highly recommend this book to all you suspense junkies. It's a 5/5 in my opinion.

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