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Wes Martin and John Biederman write an extremely witty and funny novel about a young man named William who can't stop thinking about his girlfriend, or rather, his ex-girlfriend. Eventually with a series of events, William follows a trail of mysterious signs to Los Angeles where he tries to locate her.
Los Angeles is the home of hot chicks and disgusting bums and a wide variety of characters in between all in which William is fortunate to meet. William cannot decide if Jenny is someone he wants or if she just repulses him, so he bounces back and forth between the two emotions.
The story is well written and the story moves along in a way that keeps you entertained but not overwhelmed. There was always something happening, something that kept your eyes glued to the pages. The characters are built up perfectly. I love William, he has dry humor that kept me interested in what his story was all about. With so much going on, and so many different situations with so many different people, I find that there is something in it for every type of reader.
It's a rather short book which makes me feel accomplished that I finished the book during a lunch break. I greatly enjoyed reading this book, clearly written by two people who are great at writing. I loved everything from the plot to the characters and everything in between. Since I'm from Southern California, I know the streets of Los Angeles well, so it was interesting to see the city through Wes and John's eyes. I give this book 5/5.

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