Immortals Book 2It was so hard to read about Damen becoming something he is not. The whole book is so depressing and sad. Everything bad that can happen to Ever, is happening. I couldn't take it. I don't know why her horror was embellished for so long.
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The characters are doing nothing but hurting one another. Are they going to grow and mature or just stay the mean hearted and cruel. Every time an issue came up, Ever broke into a million pieces. I was waiting for her to be the hero, take some action. Instead I kind of feel like I read a book that could be summed up in a small paragraph. The ending was hard to read too. Knowing they can never touch has put an odd spin on the series.
One thing I do not like about Alyson Noel's writing is her continuous use of periods. Sentences were not complete and periods were thrown in too often. I don't understand some of the adjectives that she chooses to use. I have heard many poor reviews about this book, but I didn't think it was all that horrible. It's just not great.

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