The world carries on oblivious to your loss.
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Normally grief and loss books are specific for each person. There aren't many books written for adult children who have lost their parents. There are plenty for wives, or young children but not many for the adult child who has lost a parent. Well, Mandy Warchola decided to write her own.
She goes over what steps she went through to deal with the loss of her father. Mandy includes an abundance of her own thoughts that she writes in italics throughout the book which I found to be very personal and helpful. Not only does she include her own thoughts, she includes thoughts you may have felt or will feel due to the death of a parent.
Her story is sad but helpful. Her story is emotional but it reaches out to the people who need help, and by opening up as much as Mandy has, you are giving the reader what they need and want the most.
This is a great book for anyone who knows they will soon be having to deal with death, or are dealing with a death currently. I give this book 5/5 for a touching and useful book.

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