"Don't worry this is not another Dr. Doolittle but rather a better story suited best for adults"
This is a book about a man who can communicate with animals, not by talking but through emotions. His connection to animals is nothing like what I am sure you are imagining, like Dr. Doolittle.
From the beginning of the book he says he read Max (a dog) this book, and Max would use body language and emotions to indicate how he felt about different sections of the book. He's a tough critic supposedly but he did a great job editing and helping with the flow of the book, because it was nothing but a joy to read. I just wish I knew what Max thought of the title of the book, because personally I don't think it matches, there could have been tons of much better title selections for this book.
The beginning of the book also says that this is a partial memoir.
"The story you are about to read is not only a wild and interesting yarn, but it is true. I lived it. Vicariously, so will you"
I'm confused, is this a true story? He lived it, or he lived it vicariously?
One thing is for sure though, I love his writing style. It's relaxed and I felt like I am listening to an old friend talk while sipping on coffee. He gets to talking about different topics, and must back track to get to the point he is trying to make or to finish a story. It sounds confusing but when your reading the book you will be so caught up, you won't even notice it.
I give this book 5/5 for pure creativity and an amazing writing style that made this book hard to put down.

Barnes and Noble

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