The Story of a little girl who only wanted to be wanted
Robert has taken a business trip from San Diego to Tijuana and finds himself stuck there longer than he had intended. Being stuck in Tijuana is the turning point for Robert as he is soon to learn his life is about to change forever.
The Casa, which is an orphanage run by Nuns was extremely run down causing the children to live with little clothes and food and much work, chores, and schooling. The children are malnourished, dirty, smelly, and clearly overworked.
My heart broke when I heard about the living conditions of the children at The Casa, but it only gets worse. The Casa is really a front for much more horrific things going on behind their cover as an orphanage. As Robert gets Guillermina to warm up to him, she learns enough English to tell him the true horrors that happen behind her walls, they are being abused for child pornography and child prostitution.
After learning about the scandalous acts that Guillermina has been put through, he decides to go through whatever is humanly possible to adopt he and get her away from such a shameful and outrageous place to live.
Don Crush did a great job at describing how horrendous the orphanage appeared to be. His writing painted a clear picture that immedietly made me feel Guillermina, and the other orphan's, pain. While reading this book I was filled with such strong emotions but it will turn up all worth it in the end, as Guillermina is presented with a rose.
I give this book 5/5 for a unique and heartfelt, emotional book that will open up anyone's soft spot as they read Mr. Crush's novel.

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