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I was a military wife for a few years, and understand a bit of what E. Clay describes in the book. At first I thought the book was written by a woman, but later on in the book I learn that it wasn't the case at all. Which took me by surprise since the title gives off a different impression to what is inside the book. The descriptive words and events really made me feel like I was right there beside all the characters. It was a complete roller coaster of emotions and feelings, that took me up and down throughout the whole book.
What I really enjoyed about this book was the fact that it was based off true events that happened. I was completely taken by surprise when I finally realized this was written by a man, and not the military wife herself. I found myself sympathizing with Monet since she's a military wife, and I know from first hand events that this is a very hard position to be in. But in the other sense I feel horrible for her husband, who has to deal with a wife who isn't always being a honest a true wife to him when he needs a rock and support system.
With everything that's going on in the author's life you are really attached to all the characters. I always feel like I connect with each of the characters in the books I read, and this one was no exception.
Besides for the very few spelling and grammar issues, I thought this book was pretty well written.
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