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Rowan Blaize is written in a style that can only be described as poetry. It's set up into separate stanza's of four lines each. The only way I was able to absorb the words, I had to read much slower, and sometimes out loud to fully comprehend what was being written. I normally don't pick up books that are written in this style, but I have to admit I wasn't disappointed by the end.
Rowan Blaize is over two thousand years old and has powers like flying, and casting spells, not to mention his reputation for slaying dragons. Rowan loses his magical powers and falls to Earth, landing in a farmland where he is able to seek shelter. He even considers this space to be sacred. Rowan is determined to figure out why he lost his powers, and goes out in search of them.
First starting with his Auntie Ariadne. His journey does not go as he thought, and is taken prisoner by forest spirits, and brought to their Faery King. The king can't make up his mind, if he should eat him or use him for ransom. Things start to look a little hairy until a mortal girl sets him free so he can continue with his journey.
He arrives to his Aunties, only to learn she doesn't know of a cure. but may know of someone who can. She sends him on a mission to meet up with a Circe, otherwise known as a mistress of magic to find a cure or any additional information on Rowan's situation.
There seems to be everything from gods and imps, to witches and faeries and everything in between. All along while reading this book, I was cheering for Rowan to accomplish what he sets out to find. The characters were all so unique and creative, but described perfectly for a perfect image in my mind. The illustrations along the way were something different and I thought it was quite brilliant. Overall I give this book a 5/5.

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