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This was by far the most interesting, scatter brained, and disturbing books that I have read in a long time. Very graphic for all of you that don't like to read about abuse, extreme bullying and violence, so I wouldn't recommend this book to the squeamish.
It took a while to get the the main subject of the story. I had to read an abundance of bullying, violence and child abuse before the book finally began. Reading horrible event after horrible event was getting a little old, and I kinda wished the author wouldn't drag out such disturbing details, and keep going with the main story line. I know that this was the feel the author was trying to give the book, but I don't know what is considered too much
Spencer is easy to feel sympathy for since his world is torn apart by all the events in the book. Don't want to go into too many of those events since it would spoil the book. The main plot is that Spencer's family is kidnapped and he finds himself dealing with the most venal people he's ever met as they bribe and threaten him.
Overall I would give this book a 4/5.

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