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I was happy to learn that this book seemed to pick up on the characters from his previous book. In fact, I wish I had read Under the Devil's Belly first, as it contains a lot of information that would have been helpful in Over the Donkey's Back.
This was such an interesting read about two woman who fall into bed with the same man without knowledge of one another. These woman are close to one another as well, they're friends and co-workers. I've noticed that between the two books I've read written by Peter Bailey, he doesn't write useless information. If he goes into detail on a certain scene, it's usually because it comes into play further into the book.
You will be introduced to each person with amazingly detailed backgrounds, you will eventually feel attached to each one. When you become that enthralled in the characters, you feel as if you know them personally, and that's exactly how I feel about Peter Bailey's characters.
What really surprised me about this book was how close Linda and Barbara become. I find them closer than best friends, but not quite lovers. If they only knew the truth behind each others lives they might not feel as attached to one another. In addition, both Linda and Barbara are powerful, in control type people with such similar attributes and characteristics. It's no wonder they have the same man, and are still connected to one another.
Overall I found this to be another great dramatic read from Peter Bailey. He clearly has a great sense of what woman want to read in a good dramatic book. I would rate this book a 5/5.

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