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This book instantly grabbed my attention and hooked me into the story before the end of chapter one. There is a close relationship between best friends, David Stern and Joe Luca. Written from Joe's point of view, he tells story after story that explains how they became so close and what their relationship was like. I enjoyed reading all the different experiences that the two besties had together, but I was also a bit overwhelmed. Before you can read about David and Joe in present times, your sent back into the past over their life span. I felt like he throws a lot of old memories all at once and neglecting to transition back to current times.
The way the book was written, reminds me of sitting with someone who is telling their life stories, but keeps getting distracted so the stories are all over the place, and completely out of order. This made it hard to imagine the characters because the dates and/or age was sometimes not given. Don't get me wrong, David and Joe's past makes for a very entertaining book, and I enjoyed reading every bit of it.
I believe with just a bit more structure to the story line, this book will be go from great to excellent. It's still worthy of 5/5 because overall I enjoyed this book and highly recommend to all readers.

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