Saturday, July 21, 2012

GIVEAWAY! 8 days left! Help me Clean my bookshelves out!

I found a new used book store just around the corner from me, and let me tell you, IT'S AWESOME! 
I can't wait to go back and browse some more. I felt pretty rushed today since I arrived only an hour before they closed. I can't possibly be expected to shop in a book store in less than an hour. I still managed to leave with a quite a few awesome books! 

Well due to the fact that I have Stuffed my Shelves full. I already have too many bookcases, and if I ask my husband to buy me another one I think he might have a fit. He understands my love for books but I guess at some point, when all my walls are covered in books, he can put his foot down. 

So my loss is your WIN. I will be giving away tons of books so please subscribe to my blog or keep checking in because I will clearing out my shelves. 

I have to make room for more awesome reads. 

Keeping my Shelves Stuffed 

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For extra points to win this book please add my Giveaway to your own site, or where ever else you'd like to put it. Thanks guys! Click here to get the code!

my read shelf:
Elizabeth Barbarick's book recommendations, liked quotes, book clubs, book trivia, book lists (read shelf)

Safe Within by Jean Reynolds Page

What is the book about?

Elaine and her husband Carson, who is dying of pancreatic cancer, are returning to their childhood home in North Carolina. They stay with Carson's mother in a cabin by a lake, where it might just be Carson's final resting place at only 49 years old. Carson's mother, Greta holds a lot of grudges towards Elaine because she believes Mick, their son, isn't really Carson's son.

After Carson passes away, Elaine and Mick are put in a situation where they forced to stay with Greta, despite her refusal to accept them as family and keep to her presumptions that Elaine was not a faithful wife to her son. Her anger towards them goes so far that she goes out of her way to avoid Elaine and Mick, even at the funeral.

What did I think of the book?

Dealing with the rumors and gossip in such a small town in a depressing time as Carson comes back to town with his family is a lot harder than it seems. Poor Carson, you think you're going home to pass away in a safe place, but instead he is around others who question his paternity to the son he help raise. You bounce back and forth in time, and watch the characters bounce and forth between forgiveness and compassion. You never really expect what happens next with the inconsistency in the characters opinions.

I give this book 

Safe Within: A Novel
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Elizabeth Barbarick's book recommendations, liked quotes, book clubs, book trivia, book lists (read shelf)

Dangerous Children by Mark Morrow

What is the book about?

Very similar to the movie Jumangi, kids lose their parents to a mysterious man who seems to be from another dimension and the only way they can save their parents is to play a living board game. They will work together to accomplish getting through the game and together they will learn about trusting each other and how to work together as a team.

As they tell their story to detectives they aren't sure if they will be believed or not or just assume they're crazy.

What did I think of the book?

There were such amazing twists in this book that had me gripping the book excited to read more and more. Packed full of adventure and mystery it's a fun way to a creative and amazingly well written story. The imagination and creativity was so extreme, with a gadget called Pandora, evil robots, and a man with a mechanical nose.

This is a book that anyone of all ages can read and enjoy. A exceptionally exciting read that was great for this summers reading list.

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I give this book...

Dangerous Children
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