Under the Desert Moon
By Emma Meade
Genre: Paranormal, Fantasy, Romance
Publisher: Soul Fire Press
ISBN: 9780985243166
Number of pages: Paperback 205
Word Count: Approx 50,000
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Soul Fire Press
Book Description:
17 year old Erin Harris spends her time daydreaming, hoping to escape her small town life in Copperfield, Arizona. When a movie crew arrives unexpectedly to shoot a vampire film over the summer, Erin’s small town world changes forever.
Erin is positive she has seen the star, James Linkin before in a thirty year old TV show. He hasn’t aged a day. How is this possible? Erin is determined to find out, but how will James handle the scrutiny of an all too intelligent teenage girl?
What isn't to love? There's something for everyone in this book mystery, passion, and action. I love a good vampire-page-turning book and this book hits the spot perfectly. This book ended in a way that made me presume there will be a sequel to this book, I hope I'm right.
I give this book

What do you need for writing?
My laptop, somewhere comfortable to sit (usually the couch) and plenty of tea.
How did Under the Desert Moon come about?
It was a warm and sultry summer when I wrote the first few pages of Under the Desert Moon. I'd been listening to Kelly Clarkson's album Breakaway pretty much on repeat in the previous months. Singing/shouting along to angry girl music after a break up with a boyfriend, was both therapeutic and inspiring. I had also just moved back home after being away at college, and was back in the town I had grown up in, where everyone knows everyone else, and no one's business is private. Listening to the song "Breakaway" conjured the simple image of a teenage girl feeling trapped in her small town, staring out the window and wishing she could be anyplace else. Erin and the town of Copperfield, Arizona were born, and the rest of the story evolved from there.
Do you find it easy to write?
Most of the time, I don’t. When I’m writing for my blog, I can draft up a post easily, but when I sit down to work on a book or short story, I find it more of a challenge. Writing fiction is tougher than penning a review, for me at least. Sometimes inspiration hits and I will write all day and most of the night. Other times, every paragraph can be a struggle. As Ernest Hemingway put it: “There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed.” It’s worth it though when you complete the first draft and can go back and wonder to yourself, “did I really write that?”
Will the vampire phenomenon die out soon?
I hope not! They’re my favourite supernatural creatures and I’m currently working on another vampire novel, this time for adults. It’s a follow up to my short story collection from last year, Night Sighs. All things going well, Night Whispers will be out in the next six to eight months. Fingers crossed that vamps will still be alluring to readers then. They’re immortal, usually fabulous looking and sexy as hell, so no wonder we continue to be fascinated by them.
Will there be a follow up novel to Under the Desert Moon?
Right now, it’s not in the works, but if enough people respond to the story, and to Erin and James, who knows in the future?
If you could meet any author, who would it be?
I’d love to sit down with a table filled with writers who contributed to the Point Horror series. My childhood was filled with trips to the local bookstore to see what new book from that series was out. Authors like Richie Tankersley Cusick, R.L. Stine, Caroline B. Cooney and Diane Hoh enriched my imagination and inspired me to write my own supernatural tales.
Who is your favourite vampire of all time?
Tough one, but Spike from Buffy would probably win. The arrival of Spike and Drusilla in season two was a turning point for the show. His character underwent a major evolution from violent monster to hero. He’s definitely one of my favourite reformed bad boys. Louis and Lestat are also great, Angel from Buffy and of course Stefan, Damon and all the originals from The Vampire Diaries. Katherine from The Vampire Diaries is also a cool and deadly vamp, and Darla from Buffy and Angel kicked ass. And we can’t forget Dracula!
Do you read a lot of paranormal fiction?
Yes. Growing up, I read Point Horror and books from the Nightmare series. Then I moved on to Anne Rice, a little bit of Stephen King and Virginia Andrews. At college I studied Mary Shelley and enjoyed her books, Frankenstein and Valperga. Over the last few years, I’ve been reading Charlaine Harris, Kelley Armstrong and Stephenie Meyer to name but a few. Recently I discovered Ann Nyland and L.H. Cosway, two fabulous writers of supernatural fiction.
Have you tried writing non-paranormal fiction?
During my post-grad degree in Galway in the west of Ireland, I started a women’s fiction novel, what many would call “chick-lit”. I think I got about four or five chapters in and then gave up. With no supernatural element in it, I struggled to move the plot along. My older sister, Lucy would bring in the manuscript, chapter by chapter to her office and distribute copies among her co-workers. She told me they wanted to read more, but that was probably my sister being kind.
What music do you listen to for inspiration?
I turn up the volume on my power ballads collection when I need inspiration. Belting out the lyrics to Meatloaf’s “Objects in the Rear View Mirror May Appear Closer Than They Are”, Bryan Adam’s “Everything I Do (I Do it For You)”, Bruce Springsteen’s “Because the Night”, Sinead O’ Connor’s “Nothing Compares 2U” and Celine Dion’s “It’s All Coming Back to Me Now” can do wonders for the soul and writer's block.
Where are you from?
I live in Cork, Ireland. It’s a city in the south of the country. You may have heard of the Blarney Stone. Kissing it is said to give people the Irish gift of the gab. You’ll find the Blarney Stone in Cork, and if you’re brave enough, someone will hold you while you lean backwards over a great drop, allowing you to kiss this magic rock. Check out The Blarney Stone here:
Do you like to eat in or go out?
I like to go out for dinner every second week. Spicy food is delicious, so I try to visit an Indian restaurant as often as I can. When I’m home, I’ll cook a stir-fry or throw on a pot of chicken curry and rice. Stuffed peppers are a delicious and easy dish to prepare for a starter. A good Irish fry-up is also an enjoyable weekly experience, usually on a Sunday morning: black and white pudding, sausages, beans and rashers, mmm.
If you could visit any place in the world, where would you go?
New Orleans. There’s something so magical and sultry about that city. I wrote a short story called "Bourbon & Jazz", set in New Orleans. It's part of the Night Sighs collection. I think reading Rice’s Interview With the Vampire had a lot to do with me falling in love with this place.
Erin in Under the Desert Moon can't wait to leave her hometown and see the world. Do you travel much?
I try to get away as often as possible. When I was in college I travelled abroad every summer. One year, I bought a train ticket and got to see a lot of Europe on the cheap by staying in hostels. Some of the cities I visited included Budapest, Warsaw, Krakow, Berlin, Dubrovnik and Prague. Another year, I headed off to Rehoboth Beach in Delaware and stopped off in New York before I went home. Greek Island Hopping remains one of my favourite holidays to this day. Unfortunately, since I entered the real world of work, I haven't gotten away as much. Hopefully, I'll win the lottery some day, be able to quit the day job and get to travel more frequently. My next trip away is a weekend in London before Christmas. I'm looking forward to seeing the city all lit up for the holidays. Travelling is a wonderful way to broaden your horizons and meet people from all over the world. It’s also great for writing stories.
Do you relate to Erin yourself?
Definitely. When was I seventeen, I couldn't wait to escape high school life and make my way in the world. Like Erin, I was introverted and had a small, tight group of friends, but was far from being popular. Erin's photography gives her an escape from the monotony and pressures of everyday life. For me, it was writing. I hope a lot of readers will be able to relate to Erin, whether they're going through the transition into adulthood like she is, or, like me are adults remembering how difficult it was to be a teenage girl. Erin has a lot on her plate. Her mother died recently, her father is an alcoholic, totally unable to handle the job of raising teenage kids, and if she doesn't get a scholarship to college, she won't be getting out of the small town she's spent her life in. In that respect, Erin has it a lot tougher than I did. I was lucky to grow up with good parents and three sisters. I think Erin's strength will appeal to readers.
What are you favourite YA books?
Growing up, it was Point Horror mostly, Sweet Valley Twins, Nightmares, some novels by Christopher Pike and The Forbidden Game trilogy by L.J. Smith. Most of those are still my favourite YA books, but I'd have to add Twilight to that list. As a teen, I moved on to Virginia Andrews and Stephen King.
What would be your dream writing career?
To give up my day job and write full time. I'm not a great public speaker, so the thought of doing book readings and signings makes me feel a little panicked. I'd have to do a bit of yoga first to keep me calm! I'd love to make enough money to buy a little villa in Europe and write every day in a peaceful setting. Every writer dreams of having their book made into a film. For Night Sighs, I'd love to see a TV series. A girl can dream, right?
You're Irish. Why is your first young adult novel set in America?
I grew up watching American TV shows and reading books set in the US. All my favourite TV shows are American: Buffy, Friends, The Vampire Diaries, Roswell, The X-Files, and I love so many films from the States. If I could get the time off work, I'd spend a few months travelling around the US and also check out Canada. Having been to Delaware and New York, I've gotten a small taste, but I still want to visit Roswell, Las Vegas, Boston, San Francisco and New Orleans, just to name a few places.
What is your favourite vampire movie?
Ooh, I have to think about that for a moment. I guess the shortlist would have to include The Lost Boys, Interview with the Vampire, Blade, Bram Stoker’s Dracula, Twilight, 30 Days of Night and more recently a cool, German film called We are the Night.
Would you like to be a vampire?
The appeal of being young forever is undeniable, but I think I'd get bored of eternal life and become quite depressed living in the dark. Then there's the whole horrible business of watching everyone you love age and die. I have to admit though, I have enjoyed the odd fantasy or ten of Damon and Angel biting and turning me. With either of them on my arm, eternal life sounds pretty good.
So are you just into vampires, or do you like other supernatural creatures?
Demons, shadow men, angels, werewolves, whatever, I'm open to them all, though of course vamps are my favourite. I'm working on a novel about witches, which hopefully should be completed by next summer.
You have a blog: Emma's Ramblings on Supernatural Fiction. What in particular do you write about there?
I review books, TV shows and films of the paranormal genre. It's great to interact with people online. I started early last year, but only got serious after joining Twitter last Autumn. Now I try to post twice a week.
Favourite book
It’s hard to pick one, but I have read Stephen King’s The Stand several times. It has everything you’d want in a book: vibrant characters, great storytelling, a good versus evil plot and plenty of action.

Thanks for this feature, Elizabeth.
ReplyDeleteYou are very welcome! Thanks for the book!!!