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Malcontents by Reginald Keith {Book Review}

Together Andre and Hannalore own a art gallery. Unknown to Andre, Hannalore has been taught since a young age to support the Nazi's and is working with the Germans to acquire pieces of art to sell in the gallery. All of the pieces of art are being stolen from the holocaust victims and resold all around the world. Some of the funds are supporting a new Nazi regime that is trying to get back into power.

Meanwhile Andre is enamored with a violinist, named Katya, and eventually starts to follow her and her performances as she travels around. He meets her, and eventually wants to take her to see his art gallery. When he finally does, things don't go as expected. I won't ruin the whole story for you, but this is where the drama picks up and the suspense begins.

This was a very fast paced, easy read that held my attention from beginning to end. The story bounces back between the two story lines, and different points of views. It flows well and I kept along with the story, without getting confused, as some authors do when they split a book into different points of views. There were no spelling or grammar errors that I found. The cover of the book was intriguing and fits the story perfectly. I give this book 5/5.

Amazon Paperback
The Malcontents
The Malcontents

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