Steer Yourself to Empowerment
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There is a lot of information that I took away from this book. The first Chapter introduces you to why we are all drama queens, how our brain dictates our emotions, the Cycle of Egocentrism, and how we can make the choice to shift into living outside of the drama in our lives. I enjoyed reading about blame and drama and the different types of people out there. There's the Victim, the Self-Protector, and the Rescuer. Each plays a different role in society.
I took great pleasure in reading this book. I really did learn a lot. There were a few grammatical errors that were only slightly distracting. There are a lot of personal stories that help you see, you are not as one of a kind as you might think. This book will definitely empower you to feeling better about who you are. I would rate this book a 4/5.

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