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This was an extreme action packed dystopia themed book that was fast paced and a blast to read. What's not to love when there's a futuristic, corrupt government lead by politicians who are willing to kill people they feel to be too poor or powerless.
Eventually all the poor and hopeless live in the Underworld. The Overworld is whee everyone else who is powerful and wealthy live together with fresh food, air, and water with enough food and supplies for everyone. It's three hundred years in the future, and the whole world has changed. The Underworld is portrayed as being lower than a junk yard, where the less fortunate go and never come back.
The main character Zachary was a well built up character who I found to be a pleasure to read about. His relationship with Rose is only just beginning and unfortunately they aren't together, as much as I thought the romance part of this book, would include. I wish I would have read more about their love interest in one another, but than again it would have made this book less action packed.
I can't stress how much action is packed into this book, you will be overwhelmed with action and thrill, all in a futuristic dystopian world. I gladly give this book a 4/5. I only left off one point for the overwhelming amount of information that is thrown at you in such large amounts. You may need to re-read some parts just to get all the information.
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