Friday, August 3, 2012

Classic Elite Quick Knits

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What is the book about?

Classic Elite Quick Knits has a wide variety of skill level and patterns, varying from scarves to fingerless gloves and much more in between. Complete with explanations of abbreviations and yarns which makes this book easy to read along with a list of substitute yarns to be used throughout the book. 

What did I think of the book? 

I'm constantly looking for good knit books that have a variety of patterns that I want to do. Some books only have one or two patterns that catch your eyes but they aren't really worth the price of the whole book. This book has an amazing amount of patterns that all seemed like great projects I'm excited to start. 

I've been on a fingerless glove obsession and this book is loaded with a bunch of patterns for fingerless gloves! There are so many different patterns that you must check it out for yourself. 
I give this book 
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Material Witness by L.A. Mondello

Material Witness By L.A. Mondello

Genre: Romantic Suspense

ISBN: 9780615653730
Number of pages: 220

Word Count: 70,000

Amazon BN  Smashwords

What is the book about? 
Who does she trust when she’s living the real life horror of one of her crime novels…
Bestselling crime novelist, Cassie Alvarez, aka Cassie Lang, had murder on her mind when she walked into Rory's Bar under dressed and under cover to research her latest crime novel. Researching the cool, blue-eyed and dashingly handsome man at the end of the bar stirred her senses more than she wanted to admit. But was this man of leather armor all he appeared to be?
Playing White Knight to an innocent wasn't how Detective Jake Santos planned to spend his time under cover. But there was no way "CJ" was what she claimed to be and that nagging tightness in Jake's chest told him he'd better take her home to safety and leave it at that. Then the barroom exploded with gunfire, leaving a trail of dead that includes a notorious Providence crime boss and an undercover FBI agent. When Cassie’s name is leaked to the media as the only witness to the grisly murders, Cassie insists she only trusts Jake to protect her.
The FBI wants their star witness happy and will do anything to make sure Cassie testifies. But it is clear to Jake that the shooter isn’t the only person who wants Cassie dead. Not knowing who to trust, he vows to protect Cassie at all cost despite the fact that guarding the beautiful novelist is a serious distraction.

What did I think of the book? You will not be able to put this book down without figuring out who is the good guy and who is the bad guy. Through it all Cassie is becoming more and more like her idol C.J. and the world around her is gaining similarity from her stories. Lisa Modello is an amazing author 
I Give this book 
Are you intrigued yet? Read an excerpt from the book and I promise you'll immediately be hooked! 
Material Witness EXCERPT:
Uneasiness skittered through her, settling in her stomach. It wasn't the same stirring she felt just seconds ago. Cassie refused to believe it to be a premonition, so she passed it off as fatigue.

Jake's presence in her home was too intimate. He'd been an enigmatic stranger at Rory's, and a highly professional police officer at the police station last night. He was much the same now, except in her apartment, surrounded by her personal things, Cassie felt almost…naked in a way she hadn't felt for some time.

“Colombian coffee on the refrigerator door. Filters in the cabinet above the coffee maker on the counter,” she said.

As Jake treaded to the kitchen, Cassie plopped down on her slipcovered sofa and draped the afghan over her legs. This man had been privileged to see more of her than any man had in three years, and she hadn't even known him a full twenty-four hours.

It wasn't only modesty. Scratches from the flying glass and bruises from hitting the floor were now surfacing on her skin. Cassie hadn't felt them when she'd showered last night or before she went to bed, but now that the adrenaline rush had worn off, they were nagging at her.

She reached for the newspaper. “What am I reading?”

“Front page,” Jake called out from the kitchen.

Cassie slapped the newspaper on her lap, fingering the edge of the paper as she examined the headline. “The President vetoed—” she started to say before Jake came back into the room and cut in.

“Bottom of the page, big bold print.”

Her eyes grazed the page of the Providence Journal Bulletin until they settled on the article Jake was referring to. Her whole body collapsed as the newsprint screamed at her. Crime novelist Cassie Lang involved in deadly shoot-out.Cassie’s heart stopped beating and her hands shook so violently, the newspaper slipped from her fingers and fell to the floor. When she finally found her voice, it was barely audible to her own ears as she spoke.

“You said you weren't going to reveal my name.”

Jake was at the doorway, leaning his shoulder against the doorjamb.

“I didn't.”

“Then how? Who?”
Lisa Mondello (a.k.a. LA Mondello) has held many jobs in her life but being a published authors is the last job she'll ever have. She's not retiring! She blames the creation of the personal computer for her leap into writing novels. Otherwise, she'd still be penning stories with paper and pen.  Her first book, All I Want for Christmas is You, was the winner of the Golden Quill contest for Best First Book and to date has had over 350,000 downloads worldwide.
She is currently the author of 14 novels under the name Lisa Mondello and LA Mondello.

You can find more information about Lisa Mondello at her Blog or chat on Twitter at @LisaMondello or on Facebook

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